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Spanish Fuel Cells Association – APPICE

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CIDAUT – Foundation for Research and Development in Transport and Energy

Its objectives are to enhance the Competitiveness and Industrial Development of companies in the Transport and Energy sectors and encourage the use of technology, design and manufacture of new products as well as the development of advanced programs for the improvement of the entire process industrial. They research and develop technologies for the production of clean hydrogen and its subsequent application in transport and building. They have experimental facilities, tools and theoretical models for research in hydrogen technologies.

Fuel Cells and Systems Integration Unit

The CIEMAT Fuel Cells and Systems Integration Unit focuses on the development and application of solid oxide (SOFC) and polymer electrolyte (PEMFC) fuel cells, through the study of basic aspects of electrocatalysis and electrochemical conversion of energy; the search for new materials for components, with special attention to the electrocatalyst; the design and construction of prototypes with incorporation of the developed components; and the integration of hydrogen and fuel cells in systems for energy conversion.


It is a company founded in 2016 in Spain and the USA. UU dedicated to Innovation, Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Integration, Financing and O&M for modular systems of hydrogen production, using water electrolysis. It is integrated by a qualified team with an experience of two decades of intensive work in Hydrogen, from the companies of Hydrogen and batteries of fuel of Abengoa; the European Hydrogen Association (EHA); the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2); the Spanish Association of Fuel Cells (Appice); the Spanish Technological Platform of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (PTE-HPC); Credit Agricole CIB and Lloyds investment banking, Debt Capital Markets in BBVA Corporate & Investment banking and Natixis Corporate and Investment Bank, in the Global Markets sector, among others.

Calle Fortuny No. 19 Entlo.izda.
28010 – Madrid (Spain)
Teléfono +34 670491540

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