This is the map that explains why in Japan and Germany the hydrogen car is a viable realitymiércoles, 27 febrero 2019 Hydrogen is living at the same time as lithium ion batteries at the beginning: promising but with many obstacles ahead. Faced with great advantages such as fast charging and great autonomy, fuel cell-driven cars face their particular Goliath: infrastructure.The German website H2stations has published a study that analyzes how the number of hydrogenerators is growing worldwide, and shows a clear winner: Japan, which is followed closely by Germany. Spoiler: in Spain there are only six.Around the world there are 369 hydrogen stations, of which 273 are public access and can be used as any conventional retail station, while the rest are aimed at user groups that supply, for example, buses or fleet customers.There are currently 152 hydrogen stations in operation in Europe, 136 in Asia and 78 in North America, but a simple glance at the map shows us how Europe concentrates a significant number compared to the rest of the continents.