
The Paris Agreement of 2015 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations mark the beginning of a sustainable global agenda that entails the transformation of the economic model and a new social contract of inclusive prosperity within the limits of the planet.

In response, the European Union has provided itself with a broad legal framework that will allow it to remain at the forefront of the transition and meet the objectives of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

In this context, the Strategic Energy and Climate Framework, presented by the Government, is an opportunity for the modernization of the Spanish economy, the creation of employment, the positioning of Spain’s leadership in the renewable energies and technologies that will dominate the next decade, the development of the rural environment, the improvement of the health of people and the environment, and social justice.

It facilitates a transformation of the Spanish economy in which the country will gain in prosperity, energy security, generation of industrial employment, innovation, health, technological development and social justice, accompanying the most vulnerable groups.

The framework guides the Spanish business fabric towards the place where the competitive advantages will be in the future: innovation and capacity to produce with greater efficiency and with a low or no environmental footprint, reinforcing the national and international competitiveness of our companies.

The key elements that make up this framework are: the preliminary draft of the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law, the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030, and the Just Transition Strategy. There are three essential pillars whose sum effect guarantees that Spain has a stable and accurate strategic framework for the decarbonisation of its economy; an efficient roadmap for the next decade, the 2021-2030 Plan, designed in coherence with the emissions neutrality we aspire to in 2050; and a strategy of solidary and just transition accompaniment, to ensure that people and territories take advantage of the opportunities of this transition and nobody is left behind.

Spain needs to position itself as soon as possible in the innovation, technologies, and the leading industry in a process of transformation that is already underway all over the world, with the objective of making the most of the opportunities it presents and that serves as a lever for the modernization and the progress of the country.