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If you are already a Member you can access to the Members Area by entering your Username and Password here: Members Access


APPICE is a non-profit association that aims to bring together qualified professionals, specialized or interested in the world of Fuel Cells. Some of the services that APPICE offers are the following:

• Discount on seminars organized by the Association

• Free reception of the News Bulletin on Fuel Cells

• Access to the exclusive area for members of the APPICE website where you will have publishable technical information about projects, discussion forum and question and answer service, as well as news about events and news, …

Membership fees are annual following the following list of amounts:

Individual member fees: € 75.00
Fees of legal entities: € 1,100.00

It is necessary to mention that the legal Entity’s quota includes, as an additional advantage, the promotion of the brand of the company both through a direct link from this web page, as well as in the different events that are being organized, the advantages mentioned above for any member of the company, as well as other improvements in relation to individual quotas.

Fill in this form and send to


To receive more detailed information about all the services offered by APPICE, you can contact us

Contact information


Phone: 910-291-078
Mobile phone: 647-851-186

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