Did you know that they have discovered a way to cheapen hydrogen fuel cells?jueves, 20 diciembre 2018 There are many who think that the hydrogen car is really the future of the automotive industry, since they do not have the problems of recharging and autonomy of electric cars and, like them, do not emit CO2. But then why is there hardly one for sale in Spain, the Hyundai Nexo? Well, because they are terribly expensive (and there are hardly any hydrogenerators, but that’s another song).Now a team of scientists at Brown University has developed a new catalyst that could make vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells cheaper. Based on nanoparticles made of an alloy of platinum and cobalt, the new catalyst is not only cheaper than pure platinum, but also promises to be more efficient and more durable.With hydrogen fuel cells and adequate infrastructure, we would have cars as clean as electric cars (in direct emissions) and the freedom of conventional fossil fuels. Let’s try now to explain how functional.