Together with allied companies produced a sufficient amount of this synthetic fuel, compatible with existing infrastructures. He also works in the development of e-diesel and e-gas. The trend of the industry on the development of hybrid, electric and hydrogen vehicles does not stop its march. However, that does not mean that some brands work on their own projects, also very committed to taking care of the environment.
The German Audi has joined other companies to work together in the development of synthetic fuels such as e-gas, e-naphtha and e-diesel, which do not depend on the extraction of crude or gases. In the case of e-naphtha, the Ingolstadt company has achieved an important objective: together with Global Bioenergies S.A., it has produced for the first time a sufficient amount of synthetic fuel to perform the initial tests in engine banks.
«Like all Audi e-fuels, the new e-gasoline has many advantages. It does not depend on oil, it is compatible with the existing infrastructure and offers the prospect of a closed carbon cycle, «explains Reiner Mangold, Director of Sustainable Product Development at AUDI AG.